Why You Might Want a Knoppix CD The Knoppix CD contains troubleshooting utilities that may help you fix a computer when you can no longer boot into the operating system.
Also, the Knoppix file that you’ll be downloading is nearly 700 MB, so if possible you should download the file on a computer with a high-speed Internet connection. Prerequisites On the computer where you plan to create your Live CD, you’ll need a CD burner, and CD burning software. A Knoppix CD can be run entirely from the CD-ROM drive and RAM without installing itself onto the hard drive. Overview This article discusses the creation of a bootable CD (also known as a Live CD) containing the Knoppix operating system, which is a version of Linux, and various free troubleshooting tools. In other words, we aren’t responsible for any problems arising from the use of these instructions, though we’ll try to help you if you work for a library in the state of Washington. Creating a Knoppix Bootable CD Standard Disclaimer: The Washington State Library can’t guarantee that these instructions will work with every computer.